Whole House Carpet Cleaning Packages

Which cleaning package is right for you?
Standard Package – 55% Savings
Best for families with heavy traffic.

$45Per 100 Square Feet - Minimum 1,000 SQFT required.
- Some furniture moving
- Vacuuming
- Pre-treatment for spots
- Basic cleaning
- Deodorizer*
- Soil Retardant*
- 30-day guarantee
- 2 optional touch up cleanings @ 25% of original cost within 12 months
- 10% off furniture cleaning
Premium Package – 62% Savings
Best for families with pets.

$55per 100 square feet - Minimum 1,000 SQFT required.
- Some furniture moving
- Vacuuming
- Pre-treatment for spots
- Basic cleaning
- Deodorizer*
- Pet Injections*
- Soil Retardant*
- 30-day guarantee
- 2 optional touch up cleanings @ 25% of original cost within 12 months
- 10% off furniture cleaning