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Pristine Cleaning Gal

Winter Dangers: Navigating the Impact of Deicing Chemicals on Your Carpets

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  1. Cleaner December 3, 2023 at 4:25 pm

    Thank you for shedding light on the topic of winter carpet care! One additional tip I’ve found useful is using a homemade solution of dish soap and warm water to gently remove deicing chemical residues from carpets. Just a tablespoon of dish soap in a cup of warm water can work wonders when blotting stains. It’s a simple DIY solution that’s saved my carpets more than once. Thanks

    • Pristine Cleaning Gal December 28, 2023 at 7:55 pm

      I understand that this has worked for you in the past, and I’m glad you had some success, but we DO NOT RECOMMEND the use dish soap on carpet, for a few reasons.
      1. Not all dish soap is created equally, one dish soap might be okay but another can do serious damage.
      2. It is not designed for use on carpet, and requires thorough rinsing. Products left behind will attract more soil, and can cause the early development of wear patterns, and require more frequent cleanings.
      3. Many dish soaps contain products that can discolor carpet.
      4. Some soaps can contain chemicals that can void carpet warranties.

      For these reasons and others we recommend avoiding dish soap altogether. It only takes one time to ruin an investment that costs thousands. We recommend following the tips mentioned in this article and checking out our emergency spot tips for best practices found at in order to avoid potentially damaging your rug.

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